Fyne API "dialog.Dialog"


import "fyne.io/fyne/v2/dialog"


type Dialog

type Dialog interface {
	SetDismissText(label string)
	SetOnClosed(closed func())
	Resize(size fyne.Size)

Dialog is the common API for any dialog window with a single dismiss button

func NewCustom

func NewCustom(title, dismiss string, content fyne.CanvasObject, parent fyne.Window) Dialog

NewCustom creates and returns a dialog over the specified application using custom content. The button will have the dismiss text set. The MinSize() of the CanvasObject passed will be used to set the size of the window.

func NewCustomConfirm

func NewCustomConfirm(title, confirm, dismiss string, content fyne.CanvasObject,
	callback func(bool), parent fyne.Window) Dialog

NewCustomConfirm creates and returns a dialog over the specified application using custom content. The cancel button will have the dismiss text set and the “OK” will use the confirm text. The response callback is called on user action. The MinSize() of the CanvasObject passed will be used to set the size of the window.

func NewError

func NewError(err error, parent fyne.Window) Dialog

NewError creates a dialog over the specified window for an application error. The message is extracted from the provided error (should not be nil). After creation you should call Show().

func NewForm

func NewForm(title, confirm, dismiss string, items []*widget.FormItem, callback func(bool), parent fyne.Window) Dialog

NewForm creates and returns a dialog over the specified application using the provided FormItems. The cancel button will have the dismiss text set and the confirm button will use the confirm text. The response callback is called on user action after validation passes. If any Validatable widget reports that validation has failed, then the confirm button will be disabled. The initial state of the confirm button will reflect the initial validation state of the items added to the form dialog.

Since: 2.0

func NewInformation

func NewInformation(title, message string, parent fyne.Window) Dialog

NewInformation creates a dialog over the specified window for user information. The title is used for the dialog window and message is the content. After creation you should call Show().