App Metadata

Since release v2.1.0 of the fyne command we support a metadata file that allows you to store information about your application in the repository. This file is optional, but can help to avoid having to remember specific build parameters for each package and release command.

Basic configuration

The file should be named FyneApp.toml in the directory where you run the fyne command (this is normally the main package). The contents of the file are as follows:

Website = ""

Icon = "Icon.png"
Name = "My App"
ID = ""
Version = "1.0.0"
Build = 1

The top portion of the file is metadata that will be used if you upload your app to the Apps listing page, so it is optional.

The Details table contains data about your application that are used in the release process by other app stores and operating systems.

The fyne tool will use this file if it is found, many mandatory command parameters are not required if the metadata is present. You can still override these values by using command line parameters.

Linux & BSD configuration

For Linux and BSD builds there is an optional table called LinuxAndBSD. This table contains additional parameters for a “desktop entry” configuration file of the Fyne app. All parameters are optional, but when present they will be used by the fyne tool (in addition to parameters from the Details table).

The contents of this section is as follows (with example data):

  GenericName = "Web Browser"
  Categories = ["Network"]
  Comment = "View sites on the Internet"
  Keywords = ["browser", "web"]
  ExecParams = "-x 42"

Hint: For instructions on how to define these parameters correctly, please see the Desktop Entry Specification from