The entry widget is used for user input of simple text content.
An entry can be created with a simple widget.NewEntry()
constructing function. When you create the widget keep a
reference so that you can access its Text
field later.
It is also possible to use the OnChanged
callback function
to be notified every time the content changes.
Entry widgets can also have validation for verifying the text
input typed into it. This can be done by setting the Validator
field to a fyne.StringValidator
. You can also set a PlaceHolder
text and also set the entry to MultiLine
to accept more than one
line of text.
package main
import (
func main() {
myApp := app.New()
myWindow := myApp.NewWindow("Entry Widget")
input := widget.NewEntry()
input.SetPlaceHolder("Enter text...")
content := container.NewVBox(input, widget.NewButton("Save", func() {
log.Println("Content was:", input.Text)
You can also create a password entry (where the content is
obscured) using the NewPasswordEntry()