
As discussed in Container and Layouts elements within a container can be arranged using a layout. This section explores the builtin layouts and how to use them.

The most commonly used layout is layout.BoxLayout and it has two variants, horizontal and vertical. A box layout arranges all elements in a single row or column with optional spaces to assist alignment.

A horizontal box layout, created with layout.NewHBoxLayout() creates an arrangement of items in a single row. Every item in the box will have its width set to its MinSize().Width and the height will be equal for all items, the largest of all the MinSize().Height values. The layout can be used in a container or you can use the box widget widget.NewHBox().

A vertical box layout is similar but it arranges items in a column. Each item will have its height set to minimum and all the widths will be equal, set to the largest of the minimum widths.

To create an expanding space between elements (so that some are left aligned and the others right aligned, for example) add a layout.NewSpacer() as one of the items. A spacer will expand to fill all available space. Adding a spacer at the beginning of a vertical box layout will cause all items to be bottom aligned. You can add one to the beginning and end of a horizontal arrangement to create a center alignment.

package main

import (


func main() {
	myApp := app.New()
	myWindow := myApp.NewWindow("Box Layout")

	text1 := canvas.NewText("Hello", color.White)
	text2 := canvas.NewText("There", color.White)
	text3 := canvas.NewText("(right)", color.White)
	content := container.New(layout.NewHBoxLayout(), text1, text2, layout.NewSpacer(), text3)

	text4 := canvas.NewText("centered", color.White)
	centered := container.New(layout.NewHBoxLayout(), layout.NewSpacer(), text4, layout.NewSpacer())
	myWindow.SetContent(container.New(layout.NewVBoxLayout(), content, centered))