Run Fyne Demo

If you want to see the Fyne toolkit in action before you start to code your own application, you can see our demo app.


If you want to, you can run the demo directly using the following command (requires Go 1.16 or later):

go run

For earlier versions of Go, you need to use the following command instead:

go run

By browsing the different tabs of the app you can see all the features of Fyne toolkit.


It is possible to install the app as a graphical application like all others on your computer. We have the helpful fyne tool to do this for you. First you will need to install the tool:

go install

After that you can simply package and install the demo app:

fyne get

After this step you can find “Fyne Demo” in your app launcher.

Exploring the code

If you are interested in any of the features you should check out the source code or join one of the community channels.