
The border layout is possibly the most widely used to construct user interfaces as it allows the positioning of items around a central element which will expand to fill the space. To create a border container you need to pass the fyne.CanvasObjects that should be positioned in a border position to the constructor’s first four parameters. This syntax is basically just container.NewBorder(top, bottom, left, right, center) as illustrated in the example.

Any items passed to the container after the first four items will be positioned to the central area and will expand to fill the space available. You can also pass nil to border parameters that you wish to leave empty.

package main

import (


func main() {
	myApp := app.New()
	myWindow := myApp.NewWindow("Border Layout")

	top := canvas.NewText("top bar", color.White)
	left := canvas.NewText("left", color.White)
	middle := canvas.NewText("content", color.White)
	content := container.NewBorder(top, nil, left, nil, middle)

Note that all items in the center will expand to fill the space (as if they were in a layout.MaxLayout container). To manage the area yourself you can use any fyne.Container as the content instead.