
There are various widgets available to present the user with a choice, these include a checkbox, radio group and select popup.

The widget.Check provides a simple yes/no choice and is created using a string label. Each of these widgets also takes a “changed” func(...) where the parameter is of the appropriate type. widget.NewCheck(..) therefore takes a string parameter for the label and a func(bool) param for the change handler. You can also use the Checked field to get the boolean value.

The radio widget is similar, but the first parameter is a slice of strings that represents each of the options. The change function expects a string parameter this time to return the currently selected value. Call widget.NewRadioGroup(...) to construct the radio group widget, you can use this reference later to read the Selected field instead of using the change callback.

The select widget is identical in the constructor signature as the radio widget. Calling widget.NewSelect(...) will instead show a button that displays a popup when tapped from which the user can make a selection. This is better for long lists of options.

package main

import (


func main() {
	myApp := app.New()
	myWindow := myApp.NewWindow("Choice Widgets")

	check := widget.NewCheck("Optional", func(value bool) {
		log.Println("Check set to", value)
	radio := widget.NewRadioGroup([]string{"Option 1", "Option 2"}, func(value string) {
		log.Println("Radio set to", value)
	combo := widget.NewSelect([]string{"Option 1", "Option 2"}, func(value string) {
		log.Println("Select set to", value)

	myWindow.SetContent(container.NewVBox(check, radio, combo))