Upgrading to v2.3

The 2.3 release is fully backward compatible with 2.2.4 and earlier, so upgrading is as simple as updating the version of code you compile with. This is different depending on whether or not you use go modules.


If your project has a go.mod file then you can edit the require line to use version v2.3.0, or you can execute the following command inside the directory:

go get fyne.io/fyne/v2@v2.3.0

The next time you build or run your app it will be using the 2.3 release, showing the updated theme.


If you are not using modules then you will need to update the Fyne checkout in your go source code. To do this execute the following command:

go get -u fyne.io/fyne/v2

Any apps without a module file will now use the 2.3 release.

Fyne command

You should update the fyne tool for v2.3.0 to get the web latest metadata support and bug fixes. You can make the upgrade by using the go get command similarly to above:

go get -u fyne.io/fyne/v2/cmd/fyne@v2.3.0

After that completes, check you have the new version installed by running fyne version.


Although this release is backwards compatible so your code will compile and run as expected, there are some changes which you may notice.

  • Buttons are no longer transparent in the default theme, so items drawn under them will not show through. As this was most commonly to show a color of button consider setting Button.Importance to new ErrorImportance or WarningImportance instead.