Fyne API "fyne.TextWrap"
import "fyne.io/fyne/v2"
type TextWrap
type TextWrap int
TextWrap represents how text longer than the widget’s width will be wrapped.
const (
// TextWrapOff extends the widget's width to fit the text, no wrapping is applied.
TextWrapOff TextWrap = iota
// TextTruncate trims the text to the widget's width, no wrapping is applied.
// If an entry is asked to truncate it will provide scrolling capabilities.
// Deprecated: Use `TextTruncateClip` value of the widget `Truncation` field instead
// TextWrapBreak trims the line of characters to the widget's width adding the excess as new line.
// An Entry with text wrapping will scroll vertically if there is not enough space for all the text.
// TextWrapWord trims the line of words to the widget's width adding the excess as new line.
// An Entry with text wrapping will scroll vertically if there is not enough space for all the text.