Fyne API "widget.Tree"
import "fyne.io/fyne/v2/widget"
type Tree
type Tree struct {
Root TreeNodeID
ChildUIDs func(uid TreeNodeID) (c []TreeNodeID) `json:"-"` // Return a sorted slice of Children TreeNodeIDs for the given Node TreeNodeID
CreateNode func(branch bool) (o fyne.CanvasObject) `json:"-"` // Return a CanvasObject that can represent a Branch (if branch is true), or a Leaf (if branch is false)
IsBranch func(uid TreeNodeID) (ok bool) `json:"-"` // Return true if the given TreeNodeID represents a Branch
OnBranchClosed func(uid TreeNodeID) `json:"-"` // Called when a Branch is closed
OnBranchOpened func(uid TreeNodeID) `json:"-"` // Called when a Branch is opened
OnSelected func(uid TreeNodeID) `json:"-"` // Called when the Node with the given TreeNodeID is selected.
OnUnselected func(uid TreeNodeID) `json:"-"` // Called when the Node with the given TreeNodeID is unselected.
UpdateNode func(uid TreeNodeID, branch bool, node fyne.CanvasObject) `json:"-"` // Called to update the given CanvasObject to represent the data at the given TreeNodeID
Tree widget displays hierarchical data. Each node of the tree must be identified by a Unique TreeNodeID.
func NewTree
func NewTree(childUIDs func(TreeNodeID) []TreeNodeID, isBranch func(TreeNodeID) bool, create func(bool) fyne.CanvasObject, update func(TreeNodeID, bool, fyne.CanvasObject)) *Tree
NewTree returns a new performant tree widget defined by the passed functions. childUIDs returns the child TreeNodeIDs of the given node. isBranch returns true if the given node is a branch, false if it is a leaf. create returns a new template object that can be cached. update is used to apply data at specified data location to the passed template CanvasObject.
func NewTreeWithData
func NewTreeWithData(data binding.DataTree, createItem func(bool) fyne.CanvasObject, updateItem func(binding.DataItem, bool, fyne.CanvasObject)) *Tree
NewTreeWithData creates a new tree widget that will display the contents of the provided data.
func NewTreeWithStrings
func NewTreeWithStrings(data map[string][]string) (t *Tree)
NewTreeWithStrings creates a new tree with the given string map. Data must contain a mapping for the root, which defaults to empty string (“”).
func (*Tree) CloseAllBranches
func (t *Tree) CloseAllBranches()
CloseAllBranches closes all branches in the tree.
func (*Tree) CloseBranch
func (t *Tree) CloseBranch(uid TreeNodeID)
CloseBranch closes the branch with the given TreeNodeID.
func (*Tree) CreateRenderer
func (t *Tree) CreateRenderer() fyne.WidgetRenderer
CreateRenderer is a private method to Fyne which links this widget to its renderer.
func (*Tree) FocusGained
func (t *Tree) FocusGained()
FocusGained is called after this Tree has gained focus.
func (*Tree) FocusLost
func (t *Tree) FocusLost()
FocusLost is called after this Tree has lost focus.
func (*Tree) IsBranchOpen
func (t *Tree) IsBranchOpen(uid TreeNodeID) bool
IsBranchOpen returns true if the branch with the given TreeNodeID is expanded.
func (*Tree) MinSize
func (t *Tree) MinSize() fyne.Size
MinSize returns the size that this widget should not shrink below.
func (*Tree) OpenAllBranches
func (t *Tree) OpenAllBranches()
OpenAllBranches opens all branches in the tree.
func (*Tree) OpenBranch
func (t *Tree) OpenBranch(uid TreeNodeID)
OpenBranch opens the branch with the given TreeNodeID.
func (*Tree) RefreshItem
func (t *Tree) RefreshItem(id TreeNodeID)
RefreshItem refreshes a single item, specified by the item ID passed in.
func (*Tree) Resize
func (t *Tree) Resize(size fyne.Size)
Resize sets a new size for a widget.
func (*Tree) ScrollTo
func (t *Tree) ScrollTo(uid TreeNodeID)
ScrollTo scrolls to the node with the given id.
Since 2.1
func (*Tree) ScrollToBottom
func (t *Tree) ScrollToBottom()
ScrollToBottom scrolls to the bottom of the tree.
Since 2.1
func (*Tree) ScrollToTop
func (t *Tree) ScrollToTop()
ScrollToTop scrolls to the top of the tree.
Since 2.1
func (*Tree) Select
func (t *Tree) Select(uid TreeNodeID)
Select marks the specified node to be selected.
func (*Tree) ToggleBranch
func (t *Tree) ToggleBranch(uid string)
ToggleBranch flips the state of the branch with the given TreeNodeID.
func (*Tree) TypedKey
func (t *Tree) TypedKey(event *fyne.KeyEvent)
TypedKey is called if a key event happens while this Tree is focused.
func (*Tree) TypedRune
func (t *Tree) TypedRune(_ rune)
TypedRune is called if a text event happens while this Tree is focused.
func (*Tree) Unselect
func (t *Tree) Unselect(uid TreeNodeID)
Unselect marks the specified node to be not selected.
func (*Tree) UnselectAll
func (t *Tree) UnselectAll()
UnselectAll sets all nodes to be not selected.